Friday, March 6, 2009


Oh.... pipers!

See them there... they are like in a dream... barely discernible... smeared in time.


Perhaps it is just poor photography... or perhaps it is the aesthetic of memory in photography... a derivative of pictorialism.

Many times I will be at the beach and a small group of sandpipers will fly in... immediately they will begin stitching the edges of the waves with their beaks looking for feed.  They are so tiny and frail and they have come so far to be here in this moment... the little pipers come from the lagoons of South America.... migrate to Alaska and then return... an ancient cycle of life... an epic journey for such a small creature.

They flow in and out... tracking the lip of each wave... each movement has such precise surety... I believe that unlike me, they have probably never experienced doubt.  Here they are on this incredible journey that they have never questioned or doubted because it is the absolute true manifestation of being a sandpiper.

I am sure that in their little hearts they have absolute faith in every moment of life and that each of these moments are exactly as they should be... a moment to be accepted and lived as part of their great migration.

I think that perhaps much of our emotional suffering comes from the perspective of doubt... so now I try to have an open heart to each moment as existence chooses to present it to me and have the faith of the little sandpipers... that things are exactly as they should be on the flyway and it is all leading to the possibility of something as wonderful as the sapphire lagoons of South America.